229 Kapalaran St., Corner Hilaga Sts. Barangka Drive, Mandaluyong City, NCR, 1550, Philippines
Mobile no: (+63) 968-541-1458
Rev. Dr. Georg Schwarz, SDB
Born: October 31, 1914 (Landshut, Germany)
Died: August 10, 2010 (Makati, Philippines)
Salesian Priest of Don Bosco (SDB)
Salesian Profession: 78 years
( 19 years in China,
back in Germany for 3 years
and 56 years in the PHL)
Pioneer of Don Bosco, Philippines
Rector & Principal of Don Bosco Schools in China & Philippines
Project Director Don Bosco-Misereor for Science
& Technology Seminar-Workshop in the Philippines
Head of Don Bosco Science & Technology Centre, Canlubang, PHL
Spiritual Confessor, Don Bosco Canlubang, PHL
Ordained Priest: Sept 29, 1940 in Shanghai, China
(70 faithful years)
Doctorate Degree in Physics
Aurora University Shanghai, China
Professor in Mathematics and Physics
Age: 96 (formerly known as the longest living
Pioneer of Don Bosco, PHL)
One of the Pioneer of the 1st Science and Technology
Interactive Workshop in the Philippines using localised materials with 50 samples of improvised science projects in 1959.
The clergyman and his legacy in harnessing creativity and Innovation using improvised materials and equipment for Science Teachers and Students in China, Philippines and the ripple effect around the World.
The background of this webpage is taken in the hometown of Fr. Georg Schwarz, SDB near St. Martin's Cathedral well known as the tallest brick building as well as church in the world without steel support in Landshut, Bavaria, Germany. Here, Fr. Georg spent his childhood in this magnificent, colourful houses and gothic architecture.
Links to the legacy and
tribute (articles, videos) to the late
Fr. Georg Schwarz, SDB
Compiled by: John Mefragata
His legacies with a heart and his pendulum
effect continues....
Project implementer and chief trainer of the DonBosco-Phil-Misereor, Inv.Narciso Mefragata.
The Exhibit as Method for Teaching, Research and Learning by Fr. Martin Macasaet, SDB.
National e-Library Philippines, Quick Search: Schwarz, Georg
Cinema Don Bosco 2020 LaMPs Film Festival Title: LABoratoryo-Laboratory
Good Morning Talk of Fr. Joel Camaya, SDB on Fr. Georg Schwarz 10th year death anniversary.
Your Legacy Fr. Georg will last forever!
What are the legacies of Fr. Georg Schwarz, SDB?
(Taken from Who is Fr. Georg Schwarz? Booklet written by Narciso Mefragata)
Fr. Georg is identified with the science laboratories, a fact known to many Salesians and alumni. He built, upgraded, equipped and modified science laboratories practically in all Don Bosco schools in the Philippines. He also contributed resources for the development of laboratories of other schools. His concern was not only for science laboratories but also for workshops, libraries, sports gears, buildings and all sorts of infrastructures for use of teachers and students.
His passion has been developing people and the labs were only his tools. He made people understand science that they can wonder at creation and the creator. He was so meticulous in the optimum use of resources, from the use of medical plasters to the use of expensive science equipment shop machineries. The emphasis is in the USE. If a resource has been kept in the lab, in the shop or in the library and has not been used for the development of students, these resources according to him have been wasted.
He puts everything he has in everything he does. He says that dedicated work involving one’s duty is a very profound form of prayer. He is always enthusiastic and exudes a lot of energy. He seem to never get tired. He possesses what I call a “Can Do Attitude”.
He demands much from people around him but to me, he demands much more from himself. It took me quite some time to get his leadership style.
If he asks you to do a task. Say either yes or no. If you say yes, by all means, whatever it takes, do it and do it on a time table you set for yourself. If you don’t, you get a title from him either as a “stupid donkey or a stupid animal”. It is better to say no than to say “I will try” or “maybe I can do it”. No gray area for Fr. Georg.
Many had the misconception that Fr. Georg’s dedication to teacher training and the development of low cost teaching materials were just a “hobby of the good Fr. Georg”. Very few understood the deep aspiration he had for the poor students who could not afford to go to a Don Bosco school. He ardently cared for the youth – those in Don Bosco and those outside of Don Bosco. The teacher training has been a medium to reach these children who were beyond the direct influence of the Salesians. He and the teachers who worked with him touched the lives of millions of students in the Philippines, Timor, Malaysia (through the Villegas couple), and Papua New Guinea not to mention his previous work in China.
Salesian Priests, Fr. Georg Schwarz and Fr. John Rauh both pioneered science teacher training in the Philippines. To date, since 1954 Fr. George and company has directly trained about 35,000 to 40,000 teachers, not to mention thousands of other teachers who were trained by his other protégés in Central Luzon and Cebu. (See 1954–2009 (pdf), 1954-2017 (doc) and beyond)
His legacies: There are many but the following are salient:
The positive attitude towards every person he meets. He always believes that he can do something to uplift that person spiritually, intellectually, morally and even financially. He sees a potential in everyone including those he calls “stupid donkeys.”
He believes in building in people rather than in cement. Although with financial aids from abroad, he built school buildings, shops and even a house for cattle.
He is aware that upgrading teachers’ knowledge, skills and attitudes will result in better training of school children. He is very meticulous in every chore he does especially in the training of teachers. One little mistake of one teacher will produce errors in thousands of young minds.
He is very generous with his time and resources especially to family members of the Salesians and Don Bosco employees, as well as other people, he does not know.
While he was critical of a few of his fellow Salesians, he was very obedient. He never leaves school or seminary campus without the permission of his Rector. Obedience according to him is not only doing what you like to do but doing even the things you don’t like to do.
He lives up to his priestly duties. He is ready to hear confession anytime in or outside the church or chapel.
He eats very little and very frugal even in his apparels. Often, he wears a tattered pair of shoes.
He lives his vow of poverty. Many years ago I gifted him with a wristwatch which was not very expensive. He did not accept it because it looks expensive: He responded me with: “What will the seminarians and other Salesians think if they see me wearing such an expensive watch?”
He has the knack for opening the minds and creativity of persons in contact with him. He teaches them that they are not helpless and his favourite expression is “No help is better than self-help.”
In doing things, he insists on being the best. He wants Don Bosco boys to be on top of every contest: In basketball, in gymnastics, in football, in Ping-Pong competitions and in science exhibits. He encourages boys to do their best and should not be working for a mere passing grade of 75. Strive for the highest slot, not the second.
He is lavish in his praise for good accomplishments. He never flatters. He is also severe in his criticism.
Everything he does (including his criticisms), are all for the glory of God. – A man of God – Completely dedicated to his mission
Fr. Georg is not only a teacher, a mentor, a priest, a leader but a Father and teacher of the youth. His focus “Salvation of Souls”(S.0.S), through study, work and prayers.
Fr. Georg will always be a legacy in the world of teacher training – especially teachers in the field of Science.
Mabuhay! ka Fr. Georg